“Tits Out – A CYOA mystery game”

The unexpected death of your estranged eccentric uncle Benoit Blanc threw your life into an whirlwind. You received a letter inviting you to his sprawling estate for the opening of his vault and reading of his will in 7 days, along with all other inheritors. An additional secret message addressed to you the last living male relative, “Everything is not what it seems; I’m close to my completing my magnun opus, but I see dangers all around me. If you are reading finish your uncle's work and avoid falling prey as well.

Arriving at the mansion, you were astounded by the beautiful women surrounding you. You knew that your uncle had always enjoyed the company of busty, gorgeous women, but you hadn’t realized he was able to keep this much of it out of the net. Now, you must find the true killer among them within 7 days. The clock is ticking!

"Rules – for Tits Out"

  1. There are 21 suspects, Ther murder was believed to be result of two killers.
  2. You have 7 days (actions) to find the killers and solve the mystery.
  3. Each night, you'll seduce one of the ladies by clicking their picture, and getting information about the other suspects. You'll get an indication of who was involved in the murder, with the # of cold symbols indicating how many steps away the closest killer is.
  4. But if you sleep with the murder, she'll kill you and it will be game over
  5. You can arrest the suspects at any time by drag Sophie the Cop to make an arrest. Any unused actions will turn into extra rewards.
  6. When you have finalized then Book'em to see if identified the killers correctly or they escaped, then claim your inheritance.
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